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Founder Syed Afzal Haider








Senior Editors

S. Afzal Haider
Elizabeth McKenzie

Managing Editors

Sean Chen-Haider

Gary Houston

Fiction Editor

John Blades

Poetry Editor

Jake Young

Associate Editor

Mona Moraru

Contributing Editors

Christina Drill

Jennifer Signe Ratcliff

Umberto Tosi

Editorial Staff

Paul Farwell, Stuart Woodhams

Graphic Designer

Alvaro Villanueva, Bookish Design

Event Photography

Chuck Kramer

Legal Consultant

Kathryn Vanden Berk


Before sending your work, be sure to read all of our submissions guidelines.   Please note that all work to be considered for publication must be submitted to our online submission manager system.

3 thoughts on “Staff

  1. Dear Jake,
    I accidentally erased all notes on submittable. I am submitting Rebel Rider and bio here. I hope you get them!
    Best, Alison

    Rebel Rider
    After Kim Addonizio

    I want a cheap shit car
    I want it second hand
    I don’t care if the body and doors
    are crapped up, I just want
    the engine intact
    I want to park it next to all those BMWs
    and Jags and embarrass the hell
    out of their owners
    I want to drive it through the Saks department
    store lot and rub fenders with the snooty customers
    I want to take it down to the track and soup it up
    enter it in a drag race and clock 120 miles an hour
    I want to attach tin cans to the back of it
    put Just Married streamers on it
    and take my gun-toting hustler pal for a drive
    up the steps of the Art Museum
    I want this car to cruise down the street past
    Sonny’s liquor store and past Li’s Laundry
    and past Katz’s Deli like it was the only car
    in the neighborhood
    I want to take it to the Supermarket and revel in the stares
    of the Mall rats as I load the stuff I’ve stolen
    into its trunk
    I want that cheapo car real bad
    I want it to confirm that I’m lowdown
    and dirty as the devil himself
    When I get it, I’m going to floor the gas
    and ride it for all it’s worth, gas-‘er-up
    and go cross country, backcountry, up-
    country, out-of-country, hell, it’ll be
    the car I crash and burn in.

    Alison Carb Sussman won the Abroad Writers’ Conference/Finishing Line Press Authors Poetry Contest in 2015. Her poem “Anhedonia” was a finalist in the 49th Parallel Award for Poetry in Bellingham Review’s 2016 Literary Contests. Her chapbook, “On the Edge,” a semi-finalist in Finishing Line’s New Women’s Voices Chapbook Competition 2012, was published by Finishing Line in 2013. Her poems have appeared most recently in Atlanta Review, Gargoyle, Levure litteraire, Lullwater Review, The New York Times, Rattle, and Southword. Alison was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2015. She lives and writes in New York City.

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