Announcing the release of CQR #35!

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Featuring work by: Prad Aphachan * Ann Voorhees Baker * A. J. Bermudez * Anthony Berris * Sheldon Costa * William C. Crawford * Alicia DeRollo * Terri Drake * Mark Duncan * Banzelman Guret * Barbara Haas * Charlie Hahn * Stephanie Hayes * Gary Houston * Ulrica Hume * Amy Kiger-Williams * Federico Garcia Lorca * Michelle Massie * Michael Mattes * George McDermott * Sam Meekings * Jane Morton * Dipika Mukherjee * Jan Nakao * Yoram Naslavsky * E. Nolan * Jack Norman * Ann Pedone * Matt Polzin * John Robinson * William Roebuck * Malcolm Rothman * Andrew Schofield * Susan Shepherd * D. James Smith * Wally Swist * Kristine Thatcher * Michael Trocchia * Francis Walsh * Whitney Watson

Cover: “Labyrinth” by Jan Nakao

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