Chicago Quarterly Review #31!

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Announcing the release of CQR #31, featuring work by: Karen Ackland * Evan Anders * Aaliyah Bilal * John Blair * Jaswinder Bolina * Lilah Clay * George Cotkin * Brad Crenshaw * Tandy Cronyn * Donna L. Emerson * Ethan Feuer * Amy A. Foley * Tim Griffith * Alan Gross * S. Afzal Haider * Syed Ishaq Haider * Shen Haobo * Bella Hayes-Roth * Raymond Hummel * Kristopher Jansma * Stephen Kessler * Thomas Lee * Michael Milburn * A. Molotkov * Jacob Anthony Moniz * Delia C. Pitts * Sarena Pollock * Richard Prouty * Molly Quinn * Malcolm Rothman * Yan Sham-Shackleton * Matthew Socia * Cutter Streeby * Shoshana Surek * Gabriella R. Tallmadge * Amanda Uhle * Anthony Varallo * Primo Ventello * John Walser * Zachary Watterson * R. Hunter Whitworth * Jennifer Wortman * Liang Yujing

Cover images by Syed Ishaq Haider

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