CQR at Printers Row 2018

Two ways to see us at Printers Row 2018! Come to our table in the Poetry Foundation Tent, and attend our celebration of CQR contributors:

Recognized and reprinted by Best American Short Stories, the O. Henry Prize Stories, the Pushcart Prize Anthology and Best American Essays, the Chicago Quarterly Review will be represented by three of its favorite writers in this half-hour reading. Our readers are novelist Peter Ferry, famed for The Travel Writer and Old Heart, and Dipika Mukherjee and Faisal Mohyuddin, two increasingly notable contributors to CQR who are included in its celebrated and singular South Asian American issue of last year. Copies of their work will be on sale and available for signing. This event takes place in room 4030 of the Jones College Prep High School, 700 S. State St., 10:30-11 a.m. on Sunday, June 10.

Dipika Mukherjee
Peter Ferry
Faisal Mohyuddin