Pushcart Prize Special Mention for Willer de Oliveira and CQR #18

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Congratulations to Willer de Oliveira, for receiving a Special Mention in Pushcart Prize 2016 for his terrific story “The Urologist” which appeared in CQR #18!

How it begins:

“My first encounter with Ralph happened when he was still a professor of German language and literature at Virginia Tech. On the very first day of classes, Ralph’s eccentricity surfaced when he surprised his students with strange music on a tape recorder. When he asked the class to identify the language and the singer, the confused students could not recognize the lyrics, not to mention the singer, except me. It was an old recording of Carmen Miranda, and the language was Portuguese. Naturally, I had the advantage over the other students because I was Brazilian, and Carmen Miranda was still considered an icon in my country…”
